To undertake, aid, promotes and coordinate research at the interdisciplinary level and to spread the arena of research throughout the world, especially focusing on the South Asian countries, by pursuing some academic activities.
To do some academic and social activities for the community development, sustainable management, biodiversity conservation, gender empowerment and at the various fields related to science and technology.
To provide academic and professional guidance and consultancy services to any Govt. and Non-Govt. organizations, academic institutions, personal or professional researchers and other organizations related to industry, trade and business.
To expand the area of knowledge through collaboration with any Govt. and Non-Govt. organisations, academic institutions like schools, college, universities etc., different management institutes, non-government organisations, even industry or business/corporate houses in Indian and abroad, in such a manner as may be necessary for the promotion of the objectives of the Foundation.
To organise awareness camps, seminar/conferences (National and International), workshops, training programmes, even training courses (Certificate/PG/Diploma/Degree) to enhance the quality and capability of both faculties and the students.
To act as a storehouse of ideas and information for the future development of the society and to as a data bank for both the academic or non-academic institutions throughout the worlds.
To publish research papers in journals, periodicals and books for the betterment of the society and to expand the arena of research.
To conduct various projects (national and foreign; government and non-government) for enhancing the quality of both the research fields and the researchers and for the societal development.
To open chapter anywhere in India or abroad particularly focusing on the regional development and to generate employment opportunities.
To secure and accept the grants-in-aid, donations, gifts, endowments from any willing parties on a mutually agreed basis for the development of the Foundation.
To undertake all such activities and programmes anywhere in India and abroad that may assist the promotion of UIJIR Academic Research Foundation objectives.